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Centrum Badań Naukowych, Epidemiologii i Prac Badawczo-Rozwojowych

Projekty międzynarodowe:

Centrum Badań Naukowych, Epidemiologii i Prac Badawczo-Rozwojowych uczestniczyło lub nadal uczestniczy w projektach europejskich oraz programach międzynarodowych i krajowych. Wykaz tych projektów i programów, wraz z datami granicznymi uczestnictwa w nich, zaprezentowano poniżej.

1994-1997 CI5-Cancer Incidence In Five Continents (volume VII)

1995-1998 GLOBOCAN-1 (Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide)

1997-1999 EUROCIM-1 (Europe Cancer Incidence and Mortality)

1999-2002 ACCIS (Automated Childhood Cancer Information System)

1999-2003 EUROCARE (High Resolution Study)

1999-2005 CONCORD (High Resolution Study Colon and Rectum)

2000-2003 CI5-Cancer Incidence In Five Continents (volume VIII)

2005-2007 CI5-Cancer Incidence In Five Continents (volume IX)

2005-2009 EUROCARE-4 (Survival of cancer patients in Europe)

2007-2010 EUROCOURSE (Europe against Cancer: Optimization of the Use of Registers for Scientific Excellence in research)

2007-2010 EUCARES (European Population-Based Cancer Registries for Research and Cancer Control)

2007-2011 RARECARE (Surveillance of rare cancer in Europe)

2008-2011 EUROCHIP (European Cancer Health Indicator Project

2010-2011 PONS (Establishing Infrastructure for Population Study of Health in Poland)

2010-2015 EUROCARE-5 (Survival of cancer patients in Europe)

2011-2013 CI5-Cancer Incidence In Five Continents (volume X)

2012-nadal ECO (European Cancer Observatory)

2012-2015 CONCORD-2 (Global Surveillance of Cancer Survival - The CONCORD-2 Study)

2015-nadal EUROCARE-6

2015-nadal Incidence and Mortality in Europe, ENCR-JRC

2015-nadal CI5-Cancer Incidence In Five Continents (volume XI)
